
This blog has been created by José Félix Jiménez Justo in the corse Comunication Skill in Engineering, for the Aerospace Engieering Degree taught at the Ppolytechnic of Univesidad Europea de Madrid. Academic year 2012-2013.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Is our educational system OK?

In today's class, after doing, as every day the secretary's functions, we have make a debate about a video we watched last week in class of Sir Ker Robinson's opinion with respect to the educational system. I agree with him at very points, and that is something that surprises me because I am get to be said by adults that system is system and ther's nothing I can do to change it. For example,I completely agree with him when he explains that there are many people that waste a lot of their time by studying things they don't need to know in order to become whatever they want: why the hell do I need to study history, literature, philosophy, etc...if I want to become an engineer? This is something that is obviously wrong and that I think it won't take long to change.

In the second part of the class we have had to finish the activity we started last day; a freemind of  how to write an e-mail effectively. This has been interesting for me because I think that messaging takes a very impportant place in our daily life( professional world, projects in school or university, etc...) so we have to be prepared to be able to write a complete and clear message.

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