
This blog has been created by José Félix Jiménez Justo in the corse Comunication Skill in Engineering, for the Aerospace Engieering Degree taught at the Ppolytechnic of Univesidad Europea de Madrid. Academic year 2012-2013.

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Practicing what wew have learned about assertiveness

Last day, we were said to write in a piece of paper twwo different situations where we had been criticized. In  that paper we had also to describe our behavior inthose situations (if we had been assertive or not).
I had been assertive in one of the two situations: I was talking to a friend and another friend interrupted me. In a good way I told him not to do that while I am talking with someone because the speech can be important and it's a sign of disrespect.
That's was quite bizarre because I saw that what we have learnt in this class serves in usual life situations!

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