
This blog has been created by José Félix Jiménez Justo in the corse Comunication Skill in Engineering, for the Aerospace Engieering Degree taught at the Ppolytechnic of Univesidad Europea de Madrid. Academic year 2012-2013.

miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Testing my competences

In today's class, we have done a different activity as usual ones: today, class has consisted in doing a test in order to learn things related to creativity (in the theoretical part) and to put in practice our brain competences (in the exercises part).
I have to recognise that the first part it hasn't been great because it's too theoretical and long, but when I have arrived to the practical one things change: it catches your attention. Even I could say that the second part is "funny" because it makes you think and that can be taken (as I did) as a challenge by the person who is doing the test. I recommend you to do that!

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