
This blog has been created by José Félix Jiménez Justo in the corse Comunication Skill in Engineering, for the Aerospace Engieering Degree taught at the Ppolytechnic of Univesidad Europea de Madrid. Academic year 2012-2013.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Oral presentations

Today we have had to explain to the rest of the class the topic we were said the other day. In my group's case it hasn't been easy becasue of the difficulty of the topic: we had to explain the language we should use in bussiness world and that implies many examples and less theory, but I think we have found the way of avoiding this type of problems.

With respect to presentation itself, I feel we have learnt from the last one: the other pressentation was also very short and as all members of the group talked, was a bit confused.This time only my two mates have explained the subject and I have had to arrange the presentation organization. I think it really has been great!!

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