
This blog has been created by José Félix Jiménez Justo in the corse Comunication Skill in Engineering, for the Aerospace Engieering Degree taught at the Ppolytechnic of Univesidad Europea de Madrid. Academic year 2012-2013.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

The eggdrop contest

During today class, O have been thinking about the eggdrop contest that will be hold on Friday afternoon. Sincerily, I feel that our team don't have real options due to the high-levell of the presented projects of other participants. Despite all that, we're waiting for the Eggdrop with ilusion because as many people say "the important part is participating and trying it.In addition, participating in a contest very related to our grade is quite exciting. Maybe we'll have a surprise with Friday results!!!

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